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For a moment there was nothing, and then he started to show me things...
This article contains spoilers concerning inFamous 2. Read at your own risk.

‎Hard to believe that used to be a person.
Lucy Kuo on the Corrupted in Flood Town.

The Corrupted were unfortunate citizens of New Marais that had been mutated into biological abominations by the powerful Conduit Joseph Bertrand. The Corrupted ravaged the swamps of New Marais, and would occasionally be given tasks by their leader.



Bertrand Mutation2

Betrand mutating a civilian into Corrupted.

After the Blast in New Marais, a newly activated Conduit Joseph Bertrand III was enraged with the abilities he had acquired, he began to hate Conduits, believing they were products of science and evil. Devising a plan to turn the world against Conduits, Bertrand began to convince the civilians of New Marais to visit him by making them believe the "devil" in them needed to be eradicated. Through his newfound powers he mutated the civilians into Corrupted monsters. Thus, the Corrupted were created, ready to follow their master's commands after infesting the swamps.

New Marais

Cole: "They're monsters, Nix."
Nix: "My babies are gonna come in real handy, you'll see."
Cole MacGrath and Nix argue over the Corrupted.

The Corrupted were ordered by Bertrand to attack everyone at his rally to prove his point to the civilans that Conduits were a dangerous threat that needed to be dealt with. They then engaged the Militia and Cole MacGrath after scaring the civilians away, causing New Marais to become aware of their presence in the city.

InFAMOUS-2 2011 04-11-11 004

Bertrand rampages across New Marais.

Subsequently, the Corrupted reached areas in New Marais such as the St. Charles Cemetery. Bertrand, was soon forced into his Behemoth form after losing control due to Cole's intervention. Bertrand, now in his immense Conduit form, rampaged across downtown New Marais, with the aid of other Corrupted variants. The Corrupted then fought over Flood Town against Vermaak 88.

Bertrand continued to mutate New Marais citizens into Corrupted monsters at a small train yard. There they were held in trains cars modified to be used as cells for Corrupted and humans. Pyrokinesis Conduit Nix tamed some Corrupted monsters, causing them to act as her "pets". Through the efforts of Cole and Lucy Kuo however, they were able to expose what Bertrand was doing at the train yard to the public, while Nix was able to free many of the Corrupted monsters and evacuating them from the train yard.

Conduit Arms Race

Devourer vs Titan

A possible future, where Corrupted help create a new arms race.

Despite the Corrupted's activities, they were all a part of their master's true plan; Bertrand intended to have the Corrupted, along with Vermaak 88, shipped across the world to wealthy warlords who planned to use the Forced Conduits on the battlefield. Soon nations would be fighting for control over the Conduits, kick-starting a new arms race in the process and making hummanity hate Conduits for the chaos they cause and start a genocide. However, before Bertrand initiated his plan, he had the Corrupted and Vermaak loaded onto his cargo ships in the harbour, awaiting international shipment.

Hundreds of Corrupted variants were already loaded onto the cargo ships at the harbor of New Marais. However, through the efforts of Cole MacGrath, who was able to dismantle the cargo ship engines, the shipment of Conduits over the world had been prevented.

Final battle


Betrand's demise.

The Corrupted continued their activities, until Bertrand was confronted by Cole as he attempted to escape the city. Transforming again, Bertrand engaged Cole at the Gas Works, where he and many Corrupted variants went into a large brawl with the Rebels. After many Corrupted monsters were subdued, Bertrand was soon killed, leaving a large portion of the Corrupted leaderless. Soon after the arrival of John White in New Marais, the majority of Corrupted were killed, including all of Nix's "pets", causing her to seek vengeance.



Corrupted, along with Vermaak 88 die.

One by one them monsters started to drop.
Zeke Dunbar on the Corrupted's death.

The minority that remained after John White's attacks, continued to terrorize some areas of New Marais. Now abandoning the swamps, they constantly battled Vermaak 88. After Cole had activated the Ray Field Inhibitor however, all Corrupted along with Vermaak 88 and everyone with the Conduit gene, died.

Continued activity

Template:SecNonCanon In an alternate timeline, Cole sides with John White. The two track down and destroy the RFI before Cole create's a world of Conduits. With this, a small portion of the Corrupted still remained partly active in New Marais. Their eventual fate, however, is unknown. Template:SecNonCanon End


Main article: Corrupted/Types
  • Spikers: Small creatures that look similar to hedgehogs that spit acid at enemies. Comparable to the Dust Men's Scrap Crabs in size and durability. Spawned by Hive Lords and Cole MacGrath (if he swapped powers with Nix).
  • Swamp Monsters: The least mutated type of Corrupted. They are restricted to, and also more vulnerable to, melee attacks. Often fighting in groups of least four or more. They are capable of jumping quite high, enabling them to reach rooftops in a single jump. Having four mandibles on the mouth, scythes for arms and clawed feet. Swamp monsters also appear to have a black spinal cord, visible on their body.
  • Gasbags: Kamikaze enemies. Usually accompanied by Swamp Monsters, gasbags do a lot of damage. Best dealt with from a distance. Melee attacks trigger detonation.
  • Ravagers: Ravagers, larger and four-legged, rely on charging at a threat. To avoid being attacked, Ravagers commonly tunnel underground, and attack by ermerging from their burrow near their adversary.they also shoot acid simailar to hellfire rockets
  • Hive Lord: Similar in appearance to a Ravager, though stronger, Hive Lords can create spores that hatch into Spikers.
  • Devourer: The second largest type of Corrupted. A Devourer is heavily armoured, almost acting like a shell. However, their weak point is the mouth, which can only be effectively damaged when exposed. Devourer's often attack by opening their mouths and shoots our their tongue, almost like a frog, and pulling their victim into their mouth, where they eat them. In addition, Devourers charge if they see a threat, and spit acid from their mouth.
  • Behemoth: Bertrand's Corrupted form. Leader and creator of the Corrupted, walking on several crab-like legs, his back acting like a shell, two arms and several purple eyes with mandibles with teeth. When about to attack however, weak pressure points glowing purple will appear.


  • The Corrupted suffer from extreme photo-sensitivity, a weakness Zeke Dunbar would exploit with a UV based weapon called the Dunbar Beam.
  • the most effective attacks are on small ones: punch blast/freeze rockets/ice grenades/nightmare blast on large ones: hellfire missles/napalm grenades/sticky bombs
  • NEVER use ionic vortex on ravagers/devovorers
  • In inFamous 2, the Corrupted is the Faction that have the largest amount of types.
  • Swamp Monsters, Ravagers, Gasbags, and Devourers are creatable in the UGC and act hostile to every other faction.
  • Although it is unknown if the Corrupted are all Conduits, all Corrupted died of the RFI, which leaves it safe to assume that the Corrupted are a form of Conduits.
  • Nix named one of the Swamp Monsters Cole Jr.
  • Corrupted share some similarities with the Reapers as
    • They are both lead by someone who shows affection towards Cole (Nix/Sasha)
    • Cole can gain temporary control over them.
    • they are the (genaraly) fastest factions.
    • they are mutated.
  • Several concept art from inFamous 2 show plant-like, organic-looking monsters that seem to be very early designs of the Corrupted.
  • The humanoid Corrupted are the only enemies you cannot arc restraint
  • The Corrupted are mentioned in InFamous 2: Festival of Blood, when Cole is feeding on a Pedestrians, some people watching will say "He looks like one of them Swamp Monsters".



