Infamous Wiki Staff consists of experienced and trusted users chosen by the community to spend time to improve and maintain the standards of this wiki. It should be noted that staff members do not in any way own the wiki, and are equal to editors in terms of responsibility for wiki articles. Please refer to the adminstrators page for more information.
Administrators or sysops (system operators), dubbed as Wiki Conduits, are the wiki's editors who have been entrusted with activating the Ray Sphere in various, differential areas and thus gaining special powers, making them all Conduits of the highest levels. They can protect and delete pages, and block other editors, as well as many more abilities besides.
- An asterisk indicates this admin is also a bureaucrat.
Redexx* | Shrev64* |
Roberad | Jim Logan | Blueexx |
Moderators, dubbed as the wiki's Mentalists, are a group of users who have been able to contribute to the wiki for an ample amount of time, with a considerable list of contributions and edits. They are able to undo consecutive edits with the use of rollbacks. They are trustworthy users who possess considerable knowledge and power over the wiki and its contents. Currently, the wiki does not have any Moderators.
Bots are semi-automatic editing bots that are managed by staff members. These bots aid in making edits that would otherwise be tedious and/or repetitive. Currently, there are two bots on this wiki.
- User:ShrevBot (managed by User:Shrev64)
- User:RBot96 (managed by User:Roberad)