Infamous Wiki

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/* Import MediaWiki:Common.css */
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/* bug fixes for oasis.css */
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/*fix for media borders*/
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/* BG */
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background: #000000 url( top center no-repeat;

/* override the single brown border of the news */
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/* override the new blog news listing which gives it one huge margin */
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/* remove the black bar below the table of content */
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/* forcing white text color on the 'Start a wiki' header button */
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/* polls spacing */
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/* portal - credit to Tierrie at DAWiki*/
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/* portal: slider - credit to Tierrie at DAWiki*/
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/* portal: content - Credit to Tierrie at DAWiki*/
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#portal_content ul { list-style: disc outside; }
#portal_content ul ul { margin-left: 1em; }

/* portal: news Credit to Tierrie at DAWiki*/
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/* Polls */

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border: 5px ridge #204685 !important;
padding: 2px !important;


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/*    Custom Background Images    */

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/*          Era hack              */

/* Title hack */
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/* Eraicon Hack */
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/*     Forum       */
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/*        Header                  */
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/* Standard Navigationsleisten, aka "box hiding thingy" from the German Wikipedia. Documentation at Wikipedia:NavFrame on Wikipedia. */
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/**Search Box**/

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/*     Templates    */
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/*** Article Comments - Staff Highlighting ***/
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/*    Ugly Profile fix              */

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/**AD Kill Code**/
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/**Custom edit and menu buttons**/

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