The Megawatt Hammer is a powerful ability in Infamous, acquired during "Playing Hero." It allows Cole to fire rocket-like electrical blasts. It can be critical in clearing entrenched enemies and turrets.
In Infamous 2, it was replaced by the similar ability Rockets.
Megawatt Hammer is an excellent approach option. It travels in a linear flight pattern, so unlike Shock Grenade, Megawatt Hammer can be shot with accuracy. It is especially effective against heavily guarded enemies or armored enemies, as it can pass through chain link fences and deal splash damage. Most importantly, it is one of the few weapons in Cole's arsenal, other than Precision, that can extend past the range indicated by his targeting reticle (and more importantly, it costs fewer Battery core).
Like most of Cole's other powers, its upgrade paths depend on Cole's Karma rank.
Good Karma
With Good karma, Cole shoots a single, powerful projectile. Megawatt Hammer should be used with caution, as its blast radius can injure civilians. At Guardian rank, the otherwise slow projectile can now hit fast-moving enemies, or can hit enemies more accurately because the trajectory of Megawatt Hammer can be redirected with a single Lightning Bolt. When approaching enemies, Cole can shoot multiple Megawatt Hammer projectiles in the air, then shoot an enemy and watch the projectiles rain down, homing in on the enemy. This upgrade is very useful in the "Spy Drones" mission. When upgraded at the Champion rank, enemies caught by the blast will be knocked upwards and fall slower, similar to the anti-gravity effects of Electromagnetic Shockwave when upgraded at Guardian level. At Hero rank, Megawatt Hammer is at its strongest, with its widened blast radius, now more able to hit multiple foes at once.
Evil Karma
With Evil karma, Cole should heavily spam Megawatt Hammer in conjunction with upgraded Shock Grenades to swiftly eliminate enemies and injure civilians, earning him more Evil Karma. Like Cole's Shock Grenades, Megawatt Hammer also splits up into multiple miniature rockets that act like sticky Grenades flying in a linear path, effectively increasing the area and damage of the explosion tremendously. A single Megawatt Hammer projectile can be joined by up to six smaller grenades. The smaller grenades also appear to "fan out" as they fly farther, enabling the projectile to cover a wider area the farther it travels. Cole should be careful that he does not fire too close to himself, or the increased damage of the Megawatt Hammer might kill him, even when all damage-resistance upgrades are purchased.