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Cole MacGrath, (one of the most notable Conduits in inFAMOUS) using his electrokinetic powers.

Enhanced Strength: Cole, as with most conduits, possesses an enhanced strength of unknown degree. This is due to all the electricity, which allows him to use his muscles and limbs to a degree superior to human non-conduits. Cole can carry his own body with ease, he has been seen tearing apart handles from machine-guns and destroying other objects without straining. It should be noted that when turning the valves in Mind Tricks mission, he had to strain slightly.

Enhanced Physical Durability: Cole possesses an enhanced durability superior to all human non-conduits. He has been seen jumping from at least 100 meters and land without any injury or damage at all. He has also been seen taking several gunshots which would kill or seriously injure any human, where Cole survived without any permanent damage. Cole may have healed his hand after Zeke's gun blew up in it whilst Cole tried to fire it. He also has been in an exploding car without any permanent injury. It is unknown how severe these injuries were though.

Enhanced Agility: Cole possesses superior agility to all human non-conduits and even some Conduits as he is an experienced traceur. He has been seen running on wire-lines without tripping or falling, and balancing for long periods of time without falling. Cole can also climb most buildings and jump onto moving objects. e.g. trains

Enhanced Healing: Cole has an enhanced healing factor superior to all human non-conduits and even most conduits. He has healed injuries deadly to humans with ease, and completely healed a crippled arm, bruised foot and more in less than two weeks, without permanent injury. With most humans, this would have taken months and would have probably left someone with permanent injuries. With electricity bolstering his immune system and constantly killing germs and other harmful diseases, this leaves Cole immune to all disease and gives him strong resistance against Conduit generated diseases e.g. Sasha's Black Tar.

Electrokinesis: Cole can control , store, and drain into his body, electrical energy. As the game begins, his abilities are basic; he can discharge electricity at a chosen target at will, generate a shockwave that will knock any unsecured object through the air, restore his power stores and health by absorbing electricity, and sense ambient electricity - even from the recently dead. A minimal amount of training enables him to increase his resistance to damage, use electrical discharges while striking opponents, and gather ambient electricity while falling and discharge it in a powerful shockwave upon impacting the ground. (Players who purchase the appropriate DLC can also generate blades of focused electricity)

During the fourth mission, Blood Trail, he restores power to a section of the city by acting as a living electrical conduit, which has the side effect of granting him three new powers; the ability to heal people with electricity, recharge himself by stealing people's electrical energy and restrain people with electric binds.

During the seventh mission, High Ground, he gains the ability to produce "grenades" of focused electricity which will adhere to subjects and explode with intense force.

During the ninth mission, The Good Stuff, he gains the ability to slide along active electrical wires.

During the twelfth mission, No Protection, he gains the ability to precisely discharge electricity at remote targets.

During the fifteenth mission, Stranded, he gains the ability to glide with electricity discharged from his palms.

During the eighteenth mission, Playing Hero, he gains the ability to produce ball lightning.

During the twenty-sixth mission, Light In The Tunnel, he gains the ability to create electromagnetic forcefields capable of blocking metallic objects such as bullets.

During the thirty-first mission, Vengeance, he gains the ability to manipulate electrical currents within the air to create powerful streams of lightning to fall from the sky which he can fully control (his first example of weather control).

But if Kessler, a fully developed electrokinetic, is any indication, his powers are still immature despite being so powerful already, and can still develop and master many powers which (if the ending cutscene is any indication) includes an advanced form of Static Thrusters which allowed Cole in an alternate timeline to propel himself at considerable speed, limited illusion generation and either teleportation, super speed or an energy form. Some of Cole's abilities are by-products of his core ability to absorb, store and redirect electricity, which includes electromagnetism and weather control.

Weather Control: Cole's powers allow him to controll electric currents in the air, which can affect the weather. One notable example is Ionic Vortex, which lets Cole create a tornado charged with electricity. Other could be Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis.

