Infamous Wiki

Shrev64 Shrev64 21 August 2011

Some Reading Material

Hey guys, I found some good reading material the other day for those who have some time on their hands and/or is interested in Sony. The link is here.

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Shrev64 Shrev64 6 July 2011

Cole MacGrath and Sly Cooper

After playing the inFamous 2 demo heavily (WalMart FTW!), I've noticed a lot of similarities between what Cole can do in-game and what Sly Cooper (from the Sly Cooper series) can do in-game. This, of course, doesn't surprise me, considering both series are made by Sucker Punch.

  • Cole can walk on wires. Sly can too with X + O
  • Cole can climb poles. Sly can too with X + O
  • Once on top of a pole, Cole will be in a ninja spire position. Sly will be too.
  • Cole can "sneak" along walls of buildings. Sly can too by holding O.
  • Upon pushing L3 (Left Analog Stick) a waypoint is pinged up (Sly Cooper), or electricity sources are found (inFamous). Kinda the same concept. Also, in inFamous, the current mission objective pops up with the L3 button. Again, similar…
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